Immigration Rights

Immigration rights ensure fair, humane, and equitable treatment while recognizing immigrants' vital contributions to our nation's economy and culture. All members of our community deserve to feel safe and supported.


  • Immigrant Protection Handbook: Created for and with undocumented members of our community, this online (and downloadable) handbook provides essential resources for anyone at risk of detention or deportation, including emergency planning tools and legal aid contacts.

  • Manual de Protección para Inmigrantes: Creado por y para miembros indocumentados de nuestra comunidad, este manual en línea (y descargable) proporciona recursos esenciales para quienes están en riesgo de detención o deportación, incluyendo herramientas de planificación de emergencia y contactos de asistencia legal.

This is not the time to throw up our hands. This is a time to roll up our sleeves.
— Kamala Harris 11/6/2024

Women's March San Diego is a nonpartisan political nonprofit organization, established in 2017. We are a women-led movement providing intersectional education and activism on a diverse range of issues as reflected in our Unity Principles